Meross already supports Google OAuth-based App Flip Linking (App Flip), which allows you to easily and quickly link your meross accounts to your Google accounts. If meross app is installed on your phone when you initiate the account linking process, you are seamlessly flipped to your app to obtain user authorization.

Step 1: Sign in to the Meross app and set an easy-to-speak name for your devices.

Set an easy-to-speak name for your devices. For example, if you name the device bedroom, you’ll be able to say “OK Google, turn off the bedroom.” and the device will be turned off.
Naming Rules:
If you have more than one device under your Meross account, give each one a different name. Otherwise, Google Assistant is unable to distinguish them.
It is best to avoid using similar sounding words/names when choosing a name for each device. Also, avoid appending numbers to your device names. When it comes to choosing names for your different devices, simple names are better.
NOTE: Google Assistant uses “Light,” “Plug,” “Outlet,” and “Switch” as category names for the smart home devices. Please avoid these descriptions when naming your devices.

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Step 2: Go to the “Home” section of your Google Home, and tap the “Add” button.

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Step 3: Choose “Set up device”.

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Step 4: Choose “Works with google”.

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Step 5: Search and choose “Meross”.

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Step 6: Google Home will redirect to Meross app, please click “Agree and link” to continue.

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If you don’t have Meross app installed on your phone, Google Home will redirect to Meross authorization web page, enter your Meross account information (your email address and password associated with the Meross app), and tap “Authorize”.

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Step 7: Assign your Meross devices to rooms.
After you link the Meross account to Google Home, you can assign devices to rooms for an easier voice-command experience.

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Step 8: All done!
After you assign your device to a room, you can control all your Meross devices using your voice through Google Home and the voice commands.

201904180938411923403 How to connect Meross device to Google Assistant?

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