Here are the step by step instructions for you.

First of all, download the latest meross app or upgrade it to the latest version.  We also suggest that you upgrade to the latest iOS version, iOS 15, which improved connection stability significantly.

1636444944865 cd95c177 How to upgrade Meross Device firmware.

1. Connect your phone to the same Wi-Fi your HomeKit accessory is connecting to and launch the meross app and tap Account. Keeping your phone and the HomeKit accessory in the same Wi-Fi network is the key factor during this process.

1636445019984 327c3f03 How to upgrade Meross Device firmware.

2. Tap Firmware update.

1636445235228 cc91a1b3 How to upgrade Meross Device firmware.

3. Wait for a while and the app will find your HomeKit accessory that needs to be upgraded. Please keep in mind that your phone and the HomeKit accessory must be in the same Wi-Fi network during this whole process. If the app ask for your permission to access your local network, please DO ALLOW. Otherwise the app will not be able to find the local HomeKit devices.

1636445757037 cd6d2c7d How to upgrade Meross Device firmware.

4. Once the app find any HomeKit devices need to be upgraded shown as picture below. The only thing you need to do is tapping Update all. The meross app will take care of everything next until your HomeKit device finishes the process. We recommend you to redo step 2 and 3 to ensure there’s no update for your device after the previous upgrading process.

1636446056519 b5ea0ac6 How to upgrade Meross Device firmware.

5. If the app didn’t find any device, it means all your HomeKit devices are up to date and it does not mean the app didn’t find your device. We recommend you to go back to step 2 and try step 3 a few times to ensure all your HomeKit devices are up to date. 

6. In order to keep yourself  posted whenever we release new firmwares for your devices so that you don’t need to go through step 2~4 manually once in a while, we recommend you to add your devices to the meross app by tapping the “+” on the top right in step 1. The app will automatically find your HomeKit devices and the only thing you need to do is tapping the add button. After that, you will be informed every time you launch the app provide there is any new firmware available.

Shoud you have any further questions, please feel free to contact our support team.

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